Councillors & Clerk (Committees & Liaison Groups)

Dyserth Community Council has 11 elected Councillors and in May each year one Councillor is elected by the other Community Councillors to be the chair of the Council. Community Councillors are bound by a code of conduct which requires them to act selflessly, objectively, within the law and give assurance for the proper use of public funds and assets.

Council Meetings

Councillors meet once a month (except August & December ) to discuss business at its main meeting centre in the Pavilion building off Thomas Avenue Dyserth. However in addition some Councillors sit on a number of smaller Sub-Committees which meet to carry out more specific and often in-depth areas of work in the community. The Community Council discuss a variety of topics relevant to the interests of the Dyserth community and prides itself on conducting its business in an open and transparent manner. Members of the public and press can attend meetings both in person and by audio access. The Agenda can also be viewed on this site three days before the next meeting, including a public notice board. The draft Minutes can be viewed on this site within seven days following the meeting date. Previous months agendas and minutes of meetings can be perused on this site.

Names of Dyserth Councillors’ and Clerk to Council Contact Details

Councillor John Glover – 01745 – 571473

(Chair of Council) Councillor H. Andrew Hughes – 07775 – 098000

Councillor David G. Jones – 01745 – 570647

Councillor Delyth Lloyd-Williams – 07882 110716 (IND)

Councillor Emyr W. Morris – 01745 – 571812

Councillor Haydn Owen – 07827 – 089678

Councillor Dave Parry – 01745 – 571956 (IND)

Councillor Alan Pennington – 07885 – 445677 (WC)

Councillor Mrs. Julie M. Peters * – 07859 – 008728

(Vice Chair of Council) Councillor Anne R. Rogers – 07496 – 835683 (WL)

Councillor Margaret G. Williams – 01745 – 570883

* Denotes Co-opted Member
(IND) Independent
(WC) Welsh Conservative
(WL) Welsh Labour)

(Denbighshire County Councillor) Councillor David Williams – 01745 – 570282

All Council business, including correspondence and telephone enquiry calls
should be directed to:

Clerk and Financial Officer To Dyserth Community Council

R. Phillip Parry,
Clerk and Financial Officer To Dyserth Community Council,
Ty Cornel,
51 St. Michael’s Drive,
CH7 5BS.

Telephone: 01352  –  720547



Committees and Liaison Groups

Councillors serve on local sub-committees and represent the Council 
on a number of outside Bodies

Community Hall Committee

Councillors’ H. Andrew Hughes and Emyr Morris

Dyserth Business Community Group

Councillor Anne R. Rogers

Dyserth, Meliden & Cwm Relief In
Sickness Fund

Councillors’ Allan Pennington and David G. Williams

Elizabeth Hughes Trust (Cwm)

Councillors’ H. Andrew Hughes and Councillor Anne R. Rogers

Environment Sub-Committee

All Councillors

Environmental Group

Councillor David H. Parry

Planning Sub-Committee

All Councillors

Play Area – Sub-Group

All Councillors

Waterfall Committee

Councillor Margaret G. Williams and Councillor Emyr W. Morris

Ysgol Hiraddug School Governor

Councillor Andy Hughes
(4 year Term of Office as a Governor commenced on 13th February, 2023 
(Ceases in February, 2027)